Yearly Astrology Forecast 2025
with Dr. Michael Lennox
It’s that time, and I am preparing for my Astro-Overview for 2025.
LIVE WEBINAR – Wednesday, January 1st at 10:00 am PST!
I will be gathering in my digital space as I do each year on New Year’s Day to offer my take on the astrological landscape of the year to come. This is likely to be the year of greatest change that any of us have ever seen, and yes, more than 2020.
My forecasts are always comprehensive, but this year, I am offering tons of extra resources – handouts for detailed movement of outer planets, the transits between them, the personal planet retrogrades including Mars and Venus, and a very detailed monthly forecast for the entire year.
You can join live, or listen to the recording at your leisure. And the handouts are yours to print out and us all year long to guide your astrological journey.
Join me to hear about:
- Why is 2025 going to be a year of epic change, more than you have ever seen.
- What does it mean to have all the outer planets changing signs?
- The significance of the Nodes of the Moon changing signs.
- Mars and Venus retrograde cycles and how they impact the first half of the year.
- Mercury’s three retrogrades (kinda 4) in 2025.
- Highlights of Every Full and New Moon and Eclipses
This live webinar will last three hours, and the investment is only $26.99. You may join me live on January 1st and/or get the link to the recording and watch whenever it suits you.
Spiritual Teacher Dr. Michael Lennox has been helping people understand their unconscious experience for twenty-five years. Lennox obtained his MA and Doctorate in Psychology from The Chicago School and his Doctoral Dissertation, Astrology and Personality, is published by LAP Publishing. Dr. Lennox is also the author of two books on dreams, Dream Sight: A Dictionary & Guide for Interpreting Any Dream and Llewellyn’s Complete Dream Dictionary. Highly sought-after media expert, Dr. Lennox has been seen internationally on many television shows, beginning with the Sci Fi Network’s The Dream Team and has also been featured on numerous network and cable television venues, and hundreds of podcasts. His radio appearances talking about the power of dreams number in the hundreds. Dr. Lennox teaches classes online, and conducts a worldwide private practice based in Southern California.