Conscious Embodiment
Conscious Embodiment
with Dr. Michael Lennox
Understanding the twists and turns of life can be confusing, leaving us looking for answers! Join expert astrologer Dr. Michael Lennox every Monday as he fills you in on the week’s astrology, and helps you make sense of your dreams. This podcast is for those of you piecing together life’s mysteries one week at a time.
Previous Podcasts
January 2024
Astrology for the week of January 29th
For the week of January 29th, we have a quiet week that could bring about more focus. This week we talk about reoccurring childhood nightmares.
Astrology for the week of January 22nd
For the week of January 22nd, our feelings guide us towards what we want to accomplish. This week we talk about the dream vs hypnagogic states.
Astrology for the week of January 15th
For the week of January 15th, we get a chance to look at our shadow. This week we talk about the symbolism of tattoos in our dreams.
Astrology for the week of January 8th
For the week of January 8th, we set intentions for all we wish to accomplish during the new moon in Capricorn. This week we talk about the meaning of substance use and sobriety in our dreams.
Astrology for the week of January 1st
For the week of January 1st, we are well supported to get things done at high level of accomplishment. This week we talk about smell in our dreams.
December 2023
Astrology for the week of December 25th
For the week of December 25th, we release whatever is keeping us from self care. This week we talk about the symbolism of coffins in our dreams.