If you wish to purchase a session without scheduling it now, you can use the button below. This is to be used when purchasing a session as a gift for someone else, or one that you wish to pay for now to use later. Once you purchase the session, it will be on account under your ID, which is the email through which you make the purchase. You can then use the session any time in the future, or give it as a gift, by sending an email and receiving a scheduling link in return (or the link can be sent to your intended recipient). This is only for use with 45-minute sessions.

Session without Scheduling
If you wish to purchase a session without scheduling it now, you can use the button below. This is to be used when purchasing a session as a gift for someone else, or one that you wish to pay for now to use later. Once you purchase the session, it will be on account under your ID, which is the email through which you make the purchase. You can then use the session any time in the future, or give it as a gift, by sending an email and receiving a scheduling link in return (or the link can be sent to your intended recipient). This is only for use with 45-minute sessions.