Working with the Lunar Cycle

Working with the Lunar Cycle


If you distill astrology down to its simplest components, it all begins with what was visible in the night sky when we were first gathering in community many thousands of years ago.  Human beings began looking up, and it was the luminaries that first grabbed our attention.  The Sun was a God, and the Moon inspired tales of the Goddess, and together, they made up the celestial landscape.

The Sun is our conscious awareness, and the center of our experience of consciousness; steady, and ever burning.  Our changeable nature is represented by the mysterious Moon, whose only light is but a reflection of that conscious awareness.  We operate the exact same way:  We all have a centered conscious awareness of self, that is in a constant dance with all that is unknowable.

Join me for my Masterclass on the Lunar Cycle, where we will:

  • Explore all aspects of the complex lunar cycle
  • Discover the true value of every new and full moon
  • Learn to work with the four pillars of every lunar cycle
  • Begin applying the lunar cycle to your natal chart



If you distill astrology down to its simplest components, it all begins with what was visible in the night sky when we were first gathering in community many thousands of years ago.  Human beings began looking up, and it was the luminaries that first grabbed our attention.  The Sun was a God, and the Moon inspired tales of the Goddess, and together, they made up the celestial landscape.

The Sun is our conscious awareness, and the center of our experience of consciousness; steady, and ever burning.  Our changeable nature is represented by the mysterious Moon, whose only light is but a reflection of that conscious awareness.  We operate the exact same way:  We all have a centered conscious awareness of self, that is in a constant dance with all that is unknowable.

Join me for my Masterclass on the Lunar Cycle, where we will:

  • Explore all aspects of the complex lunar cycle
  • Discover the true value of every new and full moon
  • Learn to work with the four pillars of every lunar cycle
  • Begin applying the lunar cycle to your natal chart
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