Dream Circle
A two-hour online collective experience with Dr. Michael Lennox

Have your dreams interpreted on air!
With the launch of his podcast, Conscious Embodiment with Dr. Michael Lennox, Michael will now interpret your dreams live on air! Submit your dream to dreams@michaellennox.com to have them interpreted on his weekly podcast.
Have the chance to call in and talk with Dr. Michael by including your interest in your email. We take live dream callers once a month via zoom. Zo will reach out to schedule your appointment.
A Dream Circle is a conversation at the community level that is driven by the interpretation of dreams brought forward by the participants on any given evening. While I facilitate and guide the process, those that are gathered interpret as a group. A “living-dream” always emerges in which everyone has an experience that what is coming up in the Dream Circle directly reflects their own consciousness at the time. There is always a sense of deep and profound enlightenment available as well as a tremendous dose of humor and joy.
Second Sundays 10am – 12pm PST
Each two hour Dream Circle will be held live on Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent out 24 hours prior to each meeting. Within 24-hours following, a recording will be sent out to all who registered.
You must be on time for a dream circle; no one will be admitted 5 minutes after the start time.
The investment is $24.99