The Full Moon in Aries is exact in the wee hours PDT, at 4:26 am. This Full Moon is not an eclipse, but it is the peak of a lunar cycle that was kicked off by an eclipse. It’s also a huge one as Full Moons go, and so this entire lunar cycle packs a punch, and it’s all about our relationship life. Not just romantic relationships, but all of the ways the world reflects itself back to us. It’s an ongoing game of the mirror consciousness where if we follow our progress of self-investigation, shadow work, and looking at all the wounds of the past with an emphasis toward releasing them, we can attract more love.

This moment is profoundly healing, as the Aries Moon is Conjunct Chiron, the Great Healer. Relationships are designed to assist us in healing our wounds, and this lunar cycle helps us release some form of Aries shadow. At a fundamental level, when the Sun is in Libra, our conscious awareness is focused on how we relate to others. In Aries, we are releasing patterns of too much self-focus that inspires selfishness, and limits to intimacy. If the opposite is your story, and you favor peacekeeping or codependency over asking for your own needs to be met, this lunation can transform that as well.

The role of Pluto in this entire season cannot be underestimated. Pluto has backtracked these two months of October and most of November, and is hanging around at the 30th, final degree of Capricorn. The anorectic degree has significance, as any planet at the final degree of a sign embodies the entire consciousness of that archetype. Capricorn is all about social structures, and this two-month dip back into Cap has Pluto in the perfect position to transmute old structures that no longer serve. That this is happening during a moment on the planet where war is rising up in several places, and the United States is in a position to vote for its very existence.

Remember the power of the collective. If the world outside of us is at war, then each of us is personally at war within ourselves to some extent. Libra invented this, and so Pluto in this position is ready to help us through even deeper change and transformation. This is mostly as a function of deconstructing the past, so we can move more powerfully forward into the creation of the New World that we are charged with shepherding into existence. But it’s not just that Pluto is back in Capricorn, there is also a Cardinal Grand Cross being formed by this Full Moon, with the Moon and Sun holding two corners of this pattern, Pluto in Cap, and Mars in Cancer, holding the other two.

This is a Cardinal Cross, so each planet or luminary that makes it up is in a Cardinal sign, the energy of starting things up. Fixed energy is solid and stable, whereas mutable energy helps us be fluid, and change with grace. But when you have four Cardinal energies in a Square, it’s like each planet thinks it’s their job to initiate movement. When all four do this, we are in deep stress. Cardinal water (Mars in Cancer) says start things up based on how you feel. Cardinal air (Sun in Libra) says initiate peace and balance at all costs by taking action. Cardinal earth (Pluto in Capricorn) says our practical world is pulling us toward what is changing, and Cardinal fire (Moon in Aries) says we burn the place down. Same energy of start up, but each element operates so differently, we are in a quagmire of conflict and obstacle energy that is pulling in four directions at once.

But with Squares comes change. This is the geometry of conflict and obstacle, but when we move through the steppingstones presented to us by so many Squares, the inevitable end game is change and transformation. That it’s in a Full Moon means we are experiencing that change from the inside out, and because this lunar cycle was kicked off by an eclipse, this Square packs an even greater punch. Things are changing for us from a deep level in our psyche, and it’s all designed to have us become better givers and receivers of love. The fact that Mars is so front and center in this Full Moon is a boon to us, in that he is already engaged in his retrograde shadow, and will take the consciousness of this Full Moon with him, so we will be integrating big inner shifts into how we walk our walk over the next six months.

Venus is doing something so interesting considering this is a relationship and love oriented lunation. Keep in mind everything I said about Pluto, and understand that Venus is in Pluto’s ruling sign of Scorpio, getting her disposition from Pluto. She and the Lord of the Underworld are in a productive Sextile when the Moon is Full because she is also at the final, mastery degree of Scorpio. This productive geometry is like the heart going under the knife, in a powerful psychic surgery to open us up. Then just a few hours later, Venus will enter Sagittarius, the sign ruled by Jupiter, and we spend the rest of this lunar cycle finding joyful ways of increasing our ability to let more love in.

There is a beautiful thread of joy and optimism offering hope and possibility amidst all of this deep change. Jupiter is forming an Easy Opposition with this Full Moon, dividing that 180-degree tension into two easier pieces of geometry. Jupiter in Gemini Sextiling the Libra Sun and Trining the Aries Moon tells us that if we allow what this lunar cycle is taking us through to have its way with us, expansion, abundance, and more joy is the reward for the surrender. Jupiter is holding a two-month Sextile with Chiron, who is Conjunct the Moon, and we finish where we started at the top of this post, with the healing properties of this extraordinary Full Moon. There is great benefit to us, even if the journey through this process is bumpy and destabilizing.

I cannot emphasize too much how challenging this energy is to navigate, but as ever, the more you lean into the difficult energies, the greater the benefit. Consider the relationships you desire to cultivate in your life, and then ask yourself if you are willing to release absolutely anything and everything that gets in the way of having them? Remember that the most important relationship you have is the one where the world itself is your Beloved. When you live in that posture, you become a pure vibration of love that draws all loving experiences to you. Have at it.