The Full Moon in Cancer is exact at 2:27pm PST. When the Sun is in Capricorn, we are focused on our ambitions and goals. The avatar of this sign is the goat, who will climb the mountain in front of them with myopic focus. There is no mistaking that we start our calendar year in this sign, as we move into the new year filled with this attention on what we want to accomplish in the year ahead. Cap energy is just about the climb. If you are dragging all sorts of emotional baggage up the mountain with you, the task is made all the harder. That’s where the Cancer Full Moon comes in. In Cancer, we are turned away from the outside world, and focus on self-care, preparation, rest and restoration; all the things that are necessary for a more powerful upward climb.

This is a Full Moon, and that means releasing things from an unconscious level. This Full Moon can act like a paradigm shift, as the Cap Sun is also forming a Grand Earth Trine with Uranus, and the South Node of the Moon, which just moved back into Virgo two days ago. The South Node is about what we are ready to release from the past, and now in Virgo for the next 18 months, we are leaning into letting go of perfectionism, getting mired in details that don’t serve an intention, and holding back forward movement because you feel unprepared, or even in capable of something, as this is a shadow of Virgo. Uranus is at the tail end of his stay in Taurus, and the pivots and changes that he reflects could be quite sudden, but very much in the land of form. A Grand Earth Trine is a manifestation pattern, and so at the same time we are releasing things that stand in our way on a personal level in this Full Moon, we are also tapping into a kind of energetic sling shot into the future by letting go of the past. This is like what happens when the last booster is fired, and the old fuel tank can be dropped by the rocket as it climbs farther into outer space.

There are some interesting add-ons in this lunation, as the Sun is just close enough to include a Conjunction to Pluto, which allows for anything that needs to go, to be released at the very deepest level. Great transformation is possible in this lunar cycle as a result. Over on the Moon side of this lunation, the Cancer Moon is Conjunct Mars, who is retrograde in this sign. This is a tight Conjunction, they are only 3-degrees apart, so it directly touches into our embodiment, capacity for decision making, and all the Mars constructs that are currently being rewired in the unconscious by Mars and his backward journey.

Emotional patterns that are released in this Full Moon in Cancer will be organically incorporated into our ongoing embodiment by Mars participating in this Full Moon. Trust that Mars’s retrograde and this Full Moon are intrinsically bound together. Just remember that the retrograde process is still ongoing for several more months, so it may be a while before we fully experience the new sense of embodiment that is being constructed in the unconscious now.

I have recently talked a lot about Easy Oppositions, both on my podcast and in these posts. This is when a planet divides the tense opposition of two other planets into two more easily digestible geometries. Full Moons provide the tension of opposites, where both our conscious awareness and our unconscious impulses are fighting each other. This tension is made “easier” by all the players in Pisces making a Sextile with the Sun and a Trine with Moon during this Full Moon.

This stelium includes the North Node, Neptune, Saturn and Venus. The North Node has just moved into Pisces, moving us all more in the direction of faith, and allowing your spiritual connection to guide you. Neptune rules Pisces, so truly, focusing on our spiritual journey as the most important thing you focus on will pay out great dividends for the next year and a half. Saturn and Venus are getting ready to gather in a few days, so we are all learning a lot about both giving and receiving love at the personal level, we are also incorporating an availability to love of the Divine, as Pisces is where we are most directly connected.

Our healing journey also helps us turn toward the Divine, and a T-Square from Chiron to this Full Moon puts our past healing efforts to good use in this lunation. Mars Opposed Pluto in the New Moon that kicked off this lunar cycle, and so we are in a lot of deep change as we begin the new year. Think of this Full Moon like the ceremony you do after a great deal of self-investigation and healing work. The heavy lifting is done, but you still must go deep into the psyche to where those old wounds were attached. Trust this Full Moon’s capacity to find the place in your deep unconscious where wounds are attached, and then let the power of the Full Moon cut those chords. Have at it.