The Full Moon in Capricorn hits at 3:16 am PDT. This is a powerfully transformative Full Moon, above and beyond anything that is typical. Firstly, this is the second Full Moon in this sign in a row, a rare opportunity to release in the same arena of your consciousness twice, like a fabulous double dip. Cancer is where we are focused on care, preparation, and all the rest and restoration needed at home so that we might climb the mountain of our desires and ambitions, a notion invented by Capricorn.

We moved through the same sensibility four weeks ago, releasing private unconscious material that was holding us back publicly. With a rare opportunity to go into the same room and release again, we all benefit from this second visit to wherever Capricorn falls in your natal chart. Only this one means business, as any Full Moon Conjunct Pluto is an amplified experience of change and transformation that goes all the way to the level of death and rebirth.

These two Capricorn Full Moons are ruled by Saturn, so there is a great sense of responsibility as we move through June and July. Capricorn is the sign that invented all the social structures that run the planet, governments, banking, housing, etc. This is why the outer landscape is so chaotic right now, thanks to the Moon’s 1-degree proximity to Pluto, the planet through which we understand death, and the inevitable rebirth that follows every death. I sometimes refer to Full Moons as a kind of psychic surgery, where the capacity to release material from deep in the unconscious is so amplified, the changes we all go through may be enormous and deep, and result in truly transformed lives. This is absolutely one of those Full Moons. Some of us are going through changes right now that are big, very big.

There is so much productive background help in this Full Moon, it’s almost alarming. Mars and Uranus just came together by Conjunction last week. There was a lot of astro-buzz about this on social media, and you can see by current events, this coming together of the planet of action and the sudden shakeup force of Uranus generated some wild and quite sudden occurrences on the world stage. Now remember that the outside world is just a projection of the collective insides of all of us. The sudden shake ups and fast-paced changes you can see when you turn on the news are also happening inside of each of our individual psyches as well. Change is happening right now for us all, and at lightning speed.

There is a series of Sextiles forming a trail of productive and helpful energy to guide us through what is otherwise a profoundly discombobulating moment. Mars and Uranus are forming one of those Sextiles with both Neptune in Pisces, but also the Cancer Sun. The latter puts us in perfect working order between all the sudden and unexpected pivots, and our conscious awareness of what new direction we need to head on. On the other side of Mars and Uranus is a Sextile with Neptune at the final, mastery degree of Pisces. Spirit is holding us as we move through this moment of radical and destabilizing change. The Moon itself is Sextile Neptune, and while the Moon is pointing to very above ground structural change, our deep, unconscious psyche is involved completely. A Sextile is potential only, so remember this as you move through what is likely an intense weekend. If you feel some sort of way, any meditative or prayerful behaviors will yield big results.

As soon as Mars hit this powerful Sextile with the Great Spirit (exact yesterday), he moved into Gemini, where for the next six weeks, our movement through life – so our choices, decision-making, and how we relate to projects, goals and work, will be driven by our mental and intellectual capacities. Mars in Taurus moves slow and steady, but in Gemini, our movement is faster, and likely to include others as we share our ideas in Gemini, and get like-minded support for what we want to accomplish in the months to come.

There is another Sextile in the backdrop of this lunation that I will finish with, though it is not connected to the string of Sextiles described above. Venus in Leo is holding a Sextile with Jupiter in Gemini, and that sidebar can remind us of just how big the cash and prizes we are playing for. Venus is love and Jupiter is expansion, and when they play well together, we are treated to the best of love, abundance, prosperity, luck, and possibility. We are even moving (relatively) wound free, thanks to Mercury in a Trine with Chiron, so we are being set up for success inside of what is otherwise a profoundly challenging and transformative lunar cycle.

We are closing out karmic cycles in this Full Moon, and this lunar cycle may be inspiring a lot of endings, as all Full Moons have that capacity, and the proximity of Pluto is allowing us to make lots of space for new possibilities. You may know with great clarity where you want to go next, and certainly use this Full Moon to eradicate anything that blocks the furtherance of your ambitions. But fortunately, you don’t need to know such things with concrete clarity at this, or any Full Moon.

If you have been following me for a while, you may be familiar with a prayer I often present to you in moments such as this. Try this: I am now ready to release everything behind the scenes – known and unknown, conscious and unconscious – that inhibits me from achieving all I desire to accomplish in the outward expression of my life. And then let the Universe, and your unconscious mind, do the rest. Have at it!