Michael’s Blog

Michael’s Blog2021-12-07T08:08:26-08:00

June 2023

Full Moon in Sagittarius June 3, 2023

June 2nd, 2023|Full Moon|

Welcome to the Full Moon in Sagittarius. At 8:41pm PDT, the Moon will Oppose the Sun, Gemini to Sagittarius, and we celebrate the higher truths that we seek to guide our journey. When the Sun is in Gemini, we are in the land of ideas, perception, communication, and connection. But down in the ...

May 2023

New Moon in Taurus May 19, 2023

May 18th, 2023|New Moon|

The New Moon in Taurus hits at 8:53am PDT this morning, and we officially put the eclipse wormhole behind us. We are setting intentions in the mansion that invented the Earth herself, and all the joys that come from being in the land of form. Taurus is often thought of as the “money” ...

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