Astrology for the week of March 10th
For the week of March 10th; ask, are you showing up with the responsibility needed to live your best life? This week we talk about the symbolism of neighbors in our dreams.
For the week of March 10th; ask, are you showing up with the responsibility needed to live your best life? This week we talk about the symbolism of neighbors in our dreams.
For the week of March 3rd, we are at the cross path of three retrogrades, generating some uncomfortable feelings. This week we talk about the symbolism of marriage in our dreams.
For the week of February 24th, use this new moon to dive into putting your spiritual connection first. This week we talk about the symbolism of cutting the bottom of your feet off in dreams.
For the week of February 17th, pay attention to matters of the heart the first few days this week. This week we talk about interpreting the decisions we make in our dreams.
For the week of February 10th, we are aware of how past emotional patterns live in us. This week we talk about symbolisms of familial intimacy and issues show up in our dreams.
For the week of February 3rd, turn to spirit first, or you will not have the energy to face the challenging year ahead. This week we talk about the symbolism of military recruitment in our dreams.
For the week of January 27th, go on a hero’s journey to see what you want to create and serve the world with. This week we talk about the messages in our dreams saying, fight for your existence!
For the week of January 20th, Aquarius season lights up our transformational energy. This week we talk about the symbolism of loved ones passed, and caretakers in our dreams.
For the week of January 13th, remove inhibitions to climb the mountain of your desires. This week we talk about the symbolism of old jobs in our dreams.
For the week of January 6th, your spiritual practice is important to attend to as the nodes change signs. This week we talk about the symbolism of tornados in our dreams.