Astrology for the week of October 7th
For the week of October 7th, your healing might demand you to speak up even if your voice shakes. This week we talk about when our dreams tell us to wake up!
For the week of October 7th, your healing might demand you to speak up even if your voice shakes. This week we talk about when our dreams tell us to wake up!
For the week of September 30th, it’s Libra season! Go to the mirror and say I am the perfect expression of all love, and I attract all loving experiences to me. This week we talk about the symbolism of Cher in your dream.
For the week of September 23rd, we are focused on what we are moving away from. This week we talk about the symbolism of Jesus and brick walls in our dreams.
For the week of September 16th, honor the balance and harmony that exists in your life already. This week we talk about the symbolism of rivers and salmon in our dreams.
For the week of September 9th, we have a quiet week before the eclipse season. This week we talk the symbolism of a mouse with six tails.
For the week of September 2nd, we have a healing focused new moon. This week we talk about the symbolism of snakes in our dreams.
For the week of August 26th, mercury changes direction, so expect some communication challenges. This week we talk about religious imagery in our dreams.
For the week of August 19th, we continue through this mercury retrograde and there is wound work to be done. This week we talk about night terrors.
For the week of August 12th , be mindful and be curious. This week we talk about the symbolism of strings coming out of your finger in a dream.
For the week of August 4th, we ask, what do I need to create for myself that is difficult to foster, and allows me to put my own care first? This week we talk about we talk about dying in our dreams.