The Full Moon in Pisces peaks at 7:34pm PDT, and we have our first eclipse of this season, and the final one of the series with the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra. The Sun is in Virgo, so our conscious awareness is aligned with healing, organizing, process and integration, and getting all the moving parts to move into alignment. In Pisces, we have the opposite energy to the day-to-day detailed experience of Virgo, where the vast unconscious spreads out beneath our conscious experience, and is the source of our spiritual connection. Virgo invented how the body is animated, and it is the dreamy energy of oneness in Pisces that supplies the animating force; spirit and flesh work together to create our embodied experience.

This Full Moon is Conjunct Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, making this a very dreamy passage, but make no mistake about it, this week feel anything but dreamy. The close proximity of Neptune ensures that the doorway to realms below will be wide open, and the unconscious releases of this eclipse and the entire lunar cycle will be epic. Saturn is also in Pisces, a little far away to be directly participating in this eclipse (10-degree orb), but his presence in this sign that invented the unconscious has all of our lessons rising up to greet us from the realms below. This is a serious and sobering Full Moon that may also have us feeling as if we are walking under water. Be on notice that dreams may be a source of important information.

This is an eclipse season very connected to releasing the past, as the Sun is hanging out near the South Node. The last eclipse, a North Node endeavor, was about moving forward in new ways, but this one is more about releasing patterns from the past that no longer serve. Between this setup and the flood of Pisces energy, this Full Moon is a bit like psychic surgery to let go of the past. Pluto just retrograded back into Capricorn for two months, so the planet of death and rebirth is in the sign of structures, and the Lord of the Underworld is ready to help us deconstruct more of the past structures that we did not manage to change last year.

A Grand Earth Trine between the Sun in Virgo, Uranus in Taurus, and Pluto in Capricorn is like a vortex of energy capable of initiating complete change and transformation. Pluto brings slow change that happens down to the molecular level, and as I said, Capricorn invented all the structures that run our lives, so deep change there. The fast, revolutionary shifts come from Uranus, who wakes us up as we move through fast transformations. In Taurus, the changes ultimately are guided by the heart. Put them together with the Sun in the healing mansion of Virgo, this entire eclipse generates an almost perfect Kite formation. Kites fly. If we let this tumultuous time have its way with us and surrender to all that is breaking down, the rebirth to come will be nothing short of extraordinary.

This Full Moon is the moment when we drop old wounds around love so we can shoot forward into new love territory with the next lunar cycle kicked off by a New Moon in Libra. Venus herself is in Libra right now, and has been dancing with Chiron the Great Healer in an Opposition that peaks with this Full Moon. Oppositions must be reckoned with, and this one will hit you right where you are. If you are in an ongoing healing experience in your relationship life and that has been painful, this is a moment of big change. If that is not your story, this is a good time to take inventory to make sure your heart feels deserving of all you wish to create with your life.

The energy of today is not smooth. All Full Moons are intense, and eclipses make them more so. There is only one Jupiter shadow, and that is of too much, excess, and extra. Jupiter expands everything it touches, and it is hitting our conscious awareness (Sun) and our unconscious mind (Moon) in the conflict geometry of the 90-degree Square. Everything could be bigger than it ought to be today, so do your best to keep things right sized. Mars in forming the same very agitated geometry with the Nodes of the Moon, which means everything we do, especially if it involves others in the outside world, is going to hit lots of bumps. Mars is in its fall in Cancer, and Jupiter in Gemini is in detriment. It’s a bumpy Full Moon indeed, expect some stress and bluster.

If you have followed me for a while, you will recognize this prayer, and may even think I offer it randomly. But it’s never random, it’s what I share whenever there is a strong Piscean influence in an astrological moment. Pisces invented all that is invisible to us, and so we can’t always know what we are working with. But we don’t need to know; our rational minds aren’t where the magic happens anyway. We are in a Full Moon, so we are releasing from below. It is a Full Moon in Pisces, so the uncosncoius is lit up. We are in a South Node eclipse, so we know we are moving away from the past. If in doubt, simply say: I hereby release any and all blocks and limitations, known and unknown, conscious and unconscious, that inhibit my ability to release the past, and move powerfully forward to live a masterful life. And so it is, and have at it!