The Full Moon Total Solar Eclipse at 23° Virgo is exact tonight at 11:54pm PST. Sun in Pisces is dreamy, dark, watery, and all that yummy formlessness carries the capacity for our ideas to become reality in the land of form. This is the unconscious, the much greater part of us, where we know unity, empathy, forgiveness, compassion, and most importantly, that we are all connected as One. Nothing can be created unless it is first held in a deep, dark, wet space. We exist as a unified collective in Pisces, and as the last sign of the zodiac, it contains the wisdom of all the signs that come before it.
The Moon in Virgo has our inner attention on process, integration, healing, and organizing. This eclipse is quite literally about our spirit/flesh continuum where Pisces connects us to the first domain, and Virgo designed the body that Pisces animates. Aries gives us a body, but Virgo designs it for us, so make sure you are driving a Maserati and turn your old clunker in for an upgrade. That new car runs on spiritual practice; meditation, prayer, ritual, and putting your spiritual connection as primary, above all else.
This is a North Node Eclipse, since the Sun is with the North Node in Pisces. So even though the Moon Conjuncts the South Node that represents the past we must move away from, it is the Sun, our conscious awareness, that dictates which way we are facing. And this eclipse is all about where we are going into an uncertain future. This eclipse is perfectly designed to deepen our connection to the Universe itself so we can handle what’s ahead. In Pisces, we remember that all roads lead to god (my word for the divine, but not the god of religion), and we are all being called to deepen that inner connection to Spirit, and let everything come to you in a vibration of attraction.
Pisces is all yummy connection and dreamy oneness. Saturn, sometimes called The Lord of Kharma, is in Pisces and one of his lessons is about being responsible and disciplined, to counteract the Piscean sense of timelessness and lack of boundaries. But one of the powerful underlying messages from Saturn in Pisces is to generate or deepen a practice to help you connect with a power greater than yourself. Saturn is Conjunct the Sun in this eclipse, which means the transformative power of this eclipse brings a kharmic demand that we increase our reliance on the inner world before we turn our sights to the outer world. Virgo Moon is ruled by both Mercury and Chiron, and so this eclipse can also generate sudden turns in your healing journey.
The fact that Venus and Mercury are doing a rare dance of a double retrograde cycle is a powerful opportunity. Venus retrogrades help us rewire the unconscious patterns of our emotional bodies, and shift how we relate to love and finances. We uplevel to a higher plains of perception and communication when Mercury goes retrograde. Both meeting up in Aries and retrograding together back into Pisces is perfection. We get our mind and our hearts into congruence, and we rebirth a new capacity to think the same way we feel, and to see things in the world we want, and have the emotional worthiness in our hearts to receive and keep them.
Mercury and Venus have – and will again two more times – cross over between the end of Pisces and the beginning of Aries as the spring unfolds. The Sun will do this with the Equinox next week. Neptune does so at the end of March, and Saturn will follow suit in late May. As such, the theme for the first part of 2025 is rebirth, for the final degree of Pisces and the zero degree of Aries is what we call the birth canal of the zodiac.
Pisces invented the underlying connection between all beings, and Aries invented war. With Neptune and Saturn both moving into this fire sign while Pluto and Uranus are in the air signs of Aquarius and Gemini (Uranus does this in July), you can expect the current instability and violence to heat up significantly. As the outer planets change signs this summer and all next year, the world will transform completely, it has already begun. We must bring as much of that Pisces empathy into the fire of Aries in what I call the hot summer of air and fire. This is being supported by Saturn, who tells us we must do this. Mercury and Venus, as personal planets, will ensure that all of us, mind and heart, will be outfitted with more compassion as we pass through the retrograde soup that we are still in.
Mars in Cancer has my attention, because his retrograde is all about behavior. He is direct now, but he spent a few months in the unconscious as well. At 18° Cancer, and still moving slowly, he is just starting up his direct shadow in earnest. He is loosely Trining all the players in Pisces, so the intentions we set at the recent New Moon, and the deep transformations of this whole lunar cycle (and the next), will be carried by Mars, helping us form new ways of being in our bodies over the next few months. This means our actions, decision making, projects and goals, the physical body, and all the other Mars consciousness will be infused with the connection to Spirit that we generate now by releasing blocks to our sense of flow with this eclipse.
I may have buried the lead. Uranus is dialing into the eclipse with what is called an Easy Opposition. He is in Taurus and will Trine the Moon and Sextile the Sun, actively participating in the eclipse, and geometry is precise, which you all know I love. The Trine with the Moon allows the unconscious to open easily to accept some of the lightning flash fast changes that this lunar cycle may bring. The Sextile with the Sun needs some action, as the 60° geometry is potential only, you have to step up to benefit.
The future is wildly uncertain. With Uranus, we are being supported to take risks, explore new territories, and allow for fast change to take place without hesitation. It’s like we are at the precipice of a new world that we can feel being formed beneath our feet, like standing on a high cliff to survey the scene. But in Pisces, we cannot see what is to come, we can only lean into birthing how we want to meet what is to come. The Great Awakener is right there saying if you dive off the cliff, you will fly. Now jump.
Full Moons are about release, and endings. Virgo and Pisces are both mutable signs, perfect for shapeshifting as we move through big changes. Uranus could support something new coming out of nowhere, just as effectively as something exiting your life abruptly. Things will change this lunar cycle, and fast. Remember that Eclipses take change to a transformational and fated level. There are things you have to drop right now, but trust that everything you release will help you with the mighty work ahead. Consider your spiritual connection as the most important thing in your life, and all else will be added to you. Change is inevitable right now, big change. Allow, allow, allow. And have at it.