The New Moon at 9-degrees of Aquarius hits early this morning at 5:38am PST. We are in the Aquarius mansion, which is ruled by Uranus, where absolutely anything can happen, and surprises, pivots, and reversals lead the way. We are at our most innovative and rebellious and ready to try new things, and this exciting air sign inspires us to take risks. Intuition is an invention of the Aquarius mansion, and we can expect the very highest inner guidance we have access to as we set our intentions for this lunar cycle, and the year ahead.

But remember that this is also the mansion where service to humanity was invented, so while you want to set intentions right now that are exciting to you personally, remember that in Aquarius, the needs of the community must come first. Pluto is in Aquarius, just beginning a two-decade sojourn helping us to usher in the Age of Aquarius. There is an epic level of profound change happening on the planet right now, and Pluto is at the center of all of that transformation. This New Moon is the moment when each of us gets to tap into the movement of the collective, find our unique way to serve, and do our best to continue to usher in this brilliant New Age.

The New Moon is also Conjunct Mercury, who just entered this mansion. Mercury and Pluto had a little meeting just yesterday, and so our minds are attuned with any power struggles or awareness of shadow and hidden things. Within this lunar cycle, Mercury will also meet up with the Sun in what is called the Superior Conjunction, a lovely download of conscious awareness into our thinking and perception. In this way, we are being set up for success in a way, but only if we can be comfortable with all the shadow material that is coming up right now. The world is in a total shit-show, and we are all being called into high levels of service for a world that desperately needs us all activated and ready to support big change, both personally and in the collective.

Jupiter is at 11-degrees of Gemini, and is stationed. This means he’s not moving at all, because he will go direct in just a few days. Now if you follow me for a while you know that I don’t consider the social and outer planet retrogrades as significant, but a stationing planet that is not moving because it is close to turning around is at its most objective and powerful. It’s like the New Moon Conjunct Mercury sends out a projectile of intention, and Jupiter, the planet that brings all bounty, expansion, abundance, and prosperity is standing still, perfectly poised to receive our desired intentions. Jupiter will then help us manifest our desires in the year ahead.

Now, the planet that literally reflects our making new stuff in our lives is Mars, and he is retrograde, so things that we intend now may take a few months to actualize. The most powerful energy at this moment is the gathering in Pisces of the North Node, Neptune, Saturn, and Venus. In fact, in a few days, there will be a Conjunction of Neptune and the North Node who has just moved into Pisces. This is a tremendous moment for the collective, where spiritual consciousness is aligning with the collective movement forward. Neptune inspires us, and in Pisces, that inspiration is direct, but internal, as Pisces is the sign of the potential before form. Saturn and Venus in the mix also mean the heart is activated, and we are ready to build new structures. Mars Trining this stelium puts all of that yummy Pisces inspiration directly into our walk, though his retrograde may delay some things coming into form for a few more months.

Pluto, who brings slow and deep change, is part of this New Moon, but so is Uranus, the arbiter of fast and immediate change. That Trine between Mars and the folks in Pisces is made into what is called a Grand Sextile, because Uranus in Taurus is splitting that Trine up into two 60-degree angles. Sextiles are potential only, but when you put both to work, you can get incredibly productive results. This New Moon has it all, deep transformation that changes us at the molecular level, and the revolutionary changes that are also happening at breakneck speed on the planet right now. Trust that you can set new intentions that are completely out of the box, because the world is changing at breakneck speed as well.

Think outside the box with this New Moon, and do not shrink back from setting unconventional intentions. What you ask for and what you receive is likely to be radically different, but Aquarius teaches us how to be both bold and audacious with what we attempt, and completely flexible with what comes, ready to pivot on a dime to acclimate to what life on life’s terms brings your way.

This is a New Moon about service, for it is in Aquarius where we first learn that the community will not thrive unless we are all serving, offering our best gifts and talents to the world. Go for whatever it is you desire, but make sure it serves humanity. And while you may tire of me saying it, this is how we create Peace for Humanity at long last, by more individuals on the planet knowing who they are and how they what they bring will lift up the world at large. Have at it!