The New Moon at 9-degrees of Capricorn is exact this afternoon at 2:25pm PST. This is the true new year moment, where we are in consideration of the goals and ambitions we have for ourselves in the year to come. Capricorn is cardinal earth. Cardinal means we start things up, so this is indeed a perfect sign to put our new year intentions into, and earth signs connect very much to the world of form. The goat that is the avatar of this sign must climb to the top of the mountain and will do so with myopic focus. And yes, this is the sign of literal goals and ambitions, but it is also important to remember the spiritual underpinning of this sign.

We do not just climb up the mountain to satisfy our need for more, we also do so to have a higher vantage point in our conscious awareness; this is the true purpose of the goat’s climb. Remember always to combine your personal ambitions with what the world you inhabit wants or needs from you. With the outside world in such chaos, it has never been more important to align your personal vision with also being of service to the world in your own particular way. The person who lives alone in the woods but makes sure that every day they connect to the land in a sacred way is doing more to uplift the planet than the wildly ambitious person who satisfies their own needs and desires, but does so in a way that lifts only them up. This may require some changes to how we walk our walk and talk our talk, and this is the perfect New Moon for that.

Fortunately – or maybe not, since this process has been painful and challenging – there is a lot going on for us at the deeply personal level as we cross over into the new year. I am speaking of the simultaneous retrogrades of Mercury and Mars. Our walk and talk are being realigned, and we are still in that process. Mars in its retrograde is just about to Oppose Pluto for the second of three times, and the transformational power of this explosive transit is rewiring how many of us are approaching our goals and how we relate to our bodies. The first hit was November 3rd, so you can glance back to see what was rumbling then, there may be an ongoing theme for you that began in the first week of November. Trust me, there is more change to come, as this Opposition perfects for a second time in two days, and wraps up again in the spring. Our walk is being realigned, but over a long process of several months.

Mercury has been part of this too, helping us with the talk portion of our integrated vision. Mercury is direct now, and he will in fact be completely finished with his entire cycle on the same day that Mars Rx will Oppose Pluto (Thursday). So, the mind’s journey is complete, and we get to put out new perceptions into the New Moon intentions that we set at this time. And it’s important to be very clear with what you want to imprint on this lunation, because of a powerful T-Square being formed by Mercury Squaring Saturn, and Opposing Jupiter. Mercury Square Saturn tells us that the teacher is in the house asking you to step up to your highest form of service, and an Opposition to Jupiter allows for big picture thinking as well as hopeful speculation about the future. Just keep things grounded in what you are truly capable of, and make sure your intentions are right sized for the scope of your life and vision. And that it serves the world in some way.

The Nodes of the Moon are just about to change signs. Pluto is now at 1-degree of Aquarius. The Nodes move backward, and so the North Node is currently at 1-degree of Aries, and will back up into Pisces in January. This is a perfect Sextile, a productive energy of change (Pluto) that allows us to meet the flow of the collective with personal life changes (Sextile), and move in new directions next year (NN in Pisces). We set intentions with the North Node in Aries (forward movement) but the direction we move in is shifting next month. The North Node moving into Pisces in January signals a shift into an 18-month period where the eclipses will be helping guide us into a more spiritual focus, where love, forgiveness, and compassion will be amplified by the transformational power of the eclipses (NN in Pisces). Again, this is another way the energy of the moment is asking us to center ourselves and put our spiritual fitness as the most important thing to cultivate, and allow all of our choices in life come from that place of spiritual fitness.

The synchronicity of being at the very beginning of a 20-year Pluto cycle, a new 18-month Nodal cycle, a New Moon that sets us up for a yearly springboard into movement and action, all happening at the exact moment when our calendar tells us we are turning the page once again into new possibilities – I love this. This will all be a big talking point in the beginning of tomorrow’s LIVE Astro Overview 2025. If you want to hear more about how we are being prepared for what is likely to be the most disruptive and changeable year we have ever lived through, join me for tomorrow’s Astro Overview 2025 webinar. What a perfect way to honor the New Moon! CLICK HERE TO JOIN LIVE or receive the handouts and recording to watch at your own leisure. And of course, have at it!