The New Moon at 9° Pisces hits at 4:44pm PST, a lovely number that will please many people who enjoy such synchronicities. This is not surprising from a lunation that is all about tapping into our intuitive flow, cultivating a sense of oneness with the universe, and grounding our movement forward in our lives by putting our spiritual fitness first. Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac, and as such, it contains all the wisdom of the eleven signs that precede it. This is where we initiate consciousness itself, in the collective bath of oneness that we carry with us always, but often overlook in a world where productivity is the coin of the realm. In Pisces, we understand that all our outer expressions must start from within by putting your spiritual practice first, and let everything else in your life come from that.
If you have been following the astrology of the year, you should be aware of the enormous traffic in this watery sign. And of course, everything in Pisces must cross that sensitive point we call the birth canal of the zodiac, when the final degree of Pisces gives way to the 0° of Aries, and we move through some sort of rebirth. Venus has already done this, and Mercury is about to, and both will retrograde back into Pisces, crossing over this point three times in total. In this way, mind and heart are getting a big realignment in the beginning months of the year, and we are smack dab in the middle of that process.
Good thing, because we are going to have to meet these next two years in a completely new way, as the past is no longer informing the future as it always has. We are birthing a new Earth, and we are in labor pains right now. Our fired-up hearts (Venus unhappy in Aries) will hear the call to come back to the water bath of Pisces by turning around and going retrograde in two days. Mercury is doing the same exact thing, and will join Venus and reenter Pisces together during this lunar cycle. In fact, Mercury is at 24° Pisces, the very sensitive point where Venus will station at the end of her retrograde in April. That’s mind and heart, working together in a complex way to generate an extra dose of empathy, before we hit the hot summer of sudden change this is coming. We will meet that passage with an extra dose of compassion and forgiveness, so that we can bring a loving stance with us into the chaotic year ahead.
But it’s Mars who just turned around at 17° Cancer after a long time moving backward that holds the real key to how we are transforming at the personal level. While he hasn’t picked up speed yet, as he retraces his steps a third and final time, we get to integrate all the new wisdom we have been gathering, and funnel it directly into new behaviors and actions. This cycle is helping us contain conflict at the personal level (Mars in Cancer) so we can be in more powerful leadership in our environment (Mars in Leo). We are learning how to replace rage with activism, and on a more personal level, we are building more discipline with self-care, so we are more powerful in the world. Because of all the retrogrades, it may take a while to see the changes now, but by mid-May, we will feel transformed, mind, heart, and body.
I have to speak into the confusion of the moment, which I don’t think you need an astrologer to tell us we don’t know what’s going to happen next. Jupiter guides our manifestations, but in the mutable air of Gemini, we can feel scattered. The New Moon itself is in Pisces, mutable water, and the shadow of that energy is dissociation, boundarylessness and lack of clarity. There’s too much information and we are on overload, and this aspect of the New Moon means that even as we set clear intentions, we send them off into a very uncertain future, and we need to get more comfortable with not knowing.
As a result, this lunation and the entire lunar cycle ahead may feel like we are treading water. If your manifestation desires seem illusive right now, that is not likely to change any time soon. The added stress of this Square asks us to double down on faith in things unseen to help us through any confusion you are experiencing. Uncertainty is a big color of the moment, and this New Moon can help awaken the part of us that does not need to know what’s going to happen next, and can thrive in the juicy potential of facing the unknown with courage and excitement.
Look to the Pisces house in your natal chart for clues as to which area of your life is most impacted by this rebirthing. Check also any planets or points that you have from 7-12° of any sign, as the New Moon will hit those points directly in this lunation. Given that Pisces represents the large institutions (like countries), this is a great New Moon to dial into how you want to meet the changing world, and offer your service to humanity with this New Moon. We are flying blind, and the world seems scarier than ever. But we are one with all, and carried through life by forces much greater than our conscious awareness. When your spiritual fitness is strong, everything else flows from that. Remember that when the shit hits the fan, and have at it!