The New Moon at 11-degrees of Virgo takes place this evening at 6:55pm PDT. Virgo is the mansion of precision, details, daily routine, our health, and all the ways we heal, process, and come into a more integrated experience of being alive and in a body. In fact, I often refer to Virgo as the mansion of the body, but this is not quite accurate. The body itself is an Aries and a Mars invention. But how the body works, and what it needs to function properly is all Virgo. Now extrapolate your understanding of the body to include the notion of embodiment, where we consider all the choices we make that are either healing and supportive to how we move through life, or destructive and unconscious. This New Moon allows us to dial in our intentions to operate in a more masterful way when it comes to our day-to-day choices. This is what I mean by conscious embodiment.

Virgo is where we understand being of service, and the co-rulership by Mercury and Chiron makes Virgo where we not only communicate with more precision (Mercury ruled), but we also move through deep healing (Chiron ruled) every time we move through the Virgo New Moon. Mercury himself has just been through a retrograde that traversed both Virgo and Leo. All Mercury retrogrades help us process and integrate shifts and changes in the mental body, and it is a boon that in this healing lunar cycle, Mercury is once again Trining Chiron the Great Healer. Look back to July 18th and August 23rd for any information from the first two hits of this transit. There may have been some powerful healing as part of Mercury’s backward journey, and that cleaner consciousness is ready to be folded into our consciousness in this next lunar cycle.

There are lessons to learn about this embodiment directive. The New Moon is in Opposition with Saturn, the Great Teacher, so he, as he always does, wants us to walk the most disciplined and responsible path we can, always willing to take on our karmic contract. An Opposition is an undeniable energy where something must happen, and school is in session. Embodiment can also be understood as the binary of Saturn and Jupiter, where Saturn says here’s what’s hard about the journey, and Jupiter says here’s the joy you get when you complete your work. I had a boss that called this the interesting and the important (I was always being criticized for being ready for the interesting and not so interested in the important!).

Saturn and Jupiter in a Square during this New Moon is replicating this challenge for us all, where we must move through some conflict in order to find a good balance between what we must face (Saturn), and the benefit of doing the hard work (Jupiter). And if deep change and transformation is needed at this time, the two agents of change, Uranus and Pluto, are in a Trine right now, so working well with each other. Pluto is slow change, and back in Capricorn for a few months, we are once again deconstructing the past that must be torn down at this time. Uranus is the fast change planet, and in this harmonious geometry with Pluto, there can be revolutionary changes that happen in an instant (Uranus) that will transform us down to the molecular level (Pluto).

Speaking of change and transformation, this New Moon is not an eclipse, but it does initiate the lunar cycle that includes a Full Moon eclipse in two weeks. In some ways, the amplified energy that eclipse season brings starts with this lunation. This is a South Node eclipse, meaning the Sun is aligning with the South Node as opposed to the North. The South Node is about the past and releasing what no longer serves us. The Full Moon up ahead will initiate an epic dump of past patterns and unconscious impulses that are ready to be released. This potential of walking a new path begins with this New Moon as Mars, the planet of embodiment, is holding the Great Eliminator angle with Pluto.

We can quite literally be walking a new walk when this lunar cycle is over, but it starts with the intentions we set now. Focus on whatever needs healing at this time, and you can’t go wrong. If you know your chart, look to the houses ruled by both Virgo and Libra, for this New Moon hits the first, and the New Moon in Libra in two weeks hits the latter.

But be careful what you wish for, because with all healings, there is often pain at the start. The first thing a surgeon does in order to bring you to perfect health is cut you open. You can’t heal old wounds without experiencing them again, but in a different way. When the power of love and transformation is poured onto the past, the part of you that is stuck there can return to your current consciousness in the present. Living a consciously embodied life is not for the faith of heart, but benefits are beyond words. Have at it!