Daily Michael Lennox Astrology Alerts
Daily subscriptions offering inspiration and guidance from the astrological movement of the planets sent to your email box every day. These detailed posts are delivered at 9:00pm Pacific Time the night before so you can plan your day with the astrological weather at your fingertips.
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Daily Astro Alerts
Daily subscriptions offering inspiration and guidance from the astrological movement of the planets sent to your email box every day. These detailed posts are delivered at 9:00pm Pacific Time the night before so you can plan your day with the astrological weather at your fingertips.
Read His Books
Highly sought-after media expert, Dr. Lennox has been seen internationally on many television shows, beginning with the Sci Fi Network’s The Dream Team and has also been featured on numerous network and cable television venues including NBC’s Emmy award winning Starting Over, Soap Talk, The Wayne Brady show and many others. His radio appearances talking about the power of dreams number in the hundreds. Dr. Lennox obtained his Masters and Doctorate in Psychology from The Chicago School and his Doctoral Dissertation, Astrology and Personality, is published by Lambert Academic Publishing. Dr. Lennox is also the author of two books on dreams, Dream Sight: A Dictionary & Guide for Interpreting Any Dream and Llewellyn’s Complete Dream Dictionary. Dr. Lennox leads workshops and retreats all over the United States and conducts a worldwide private practice based in Southern California.
Spiritual teacher Dr. Michael Lennox is a psychologist, astrologer and expert in dreams and dream interpretation. He has been seen internationally on many television shows, beginning with the Sci Fi Network’s The Dream Team and has also been featured on numerous network and cable television venues including NBC’s Emmy award-winning Starting Over, Soap Talk, The Wayne Brady show and many others. His radio appearances talking about the power of dreams number in the hundreds. Dr. Lennox obtained his Masters and Doctorate in Psychology from The Chicago School and his Doctoral Dissertation, Astrology and Personality, is published by Lambert Academic Publishing. Dr. Lennox is also the author of four books on dreams, Dream Sight: A Dictionary & Guide for Interpreting Any Dream, Llewellyn’s Complete Dream Dictionary, Llewellyn’s Little Book of Dreams, and most recently, Psychic Dreamer. Dr. Lennox hosts the Conscious Embodiment podcast, where he talks about the astrology of the week and helps listeners decipher their dreams. He conducts classes on shadow work, self investigation, spiritual practice, and of course, astrology, in a worldwide practice based in Southern California.
The Ambassador’s Blog
New Moon in Sagittarius November 30, 2024
The New Moon at 9-degrees Sagittarius builds all day and peaks this evening at 10:20pm PST, a Black Moon as the ...
Full Moon in Gemini December 15, 2024
The Full Moon in Gemini is exact overnight, at 1:02am PST. The Sun in Sagittarius has us in the conscious awareness ...
Global Healing Meditation – First Thursday of Every Month!
Global Healing Meditation - the first Thursday of every month! On the first Thursday of every month, I host a gathering ...
The Ambassador’s Blog
New Moon in Sagittarius November 30, 2024
The New Moon at 9-degrees Sagittarius builds all day and peaks this evening at 10:20pm PST, a Black Moon as the ...
Full Moon in Gemini December 15, 2024
The Full Moon in Gemini is exact overnight, at 1:02am PST. The Sun in Sagittarius has us in the conscious awareness ...
Global Healing Meditation – First Thursday of Every Month!
Global Healing Meditation - the first Thursday of every month! On the first Thursday of every month, I host a gathering ...
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