Michael’s Blog

Michael’s Blog2021-12-07T08:08:26-08:00

July 2024

Full Moon in Capricorn July 21, 2024

July 20th, 2024|Full Moon|

The Full Moon in Capricorn hits at 3:16 am PDT. This is a powerfully transformative Full Moon, above and beyond anything that is typical. Firstly, this is the second Full Moon in this sign in a row, a rare opportunity to release in the same arena of your consciousness twice, like a fabulous ...

New Moon in Cancer July 5, 2024

July 4th, 2024|New Moon|

The New Moon in Cancer is exact this afternoon at 3:57pm PDT. Cancer is the mansion where we pull back from the demands of the outside world and attend to the needs of our inner life. We move toward rest and restoration in Cancer, as this is the sign of home, family, and ...

June 2024

Astrology for the week of June 24th

June 24th, 2024|Podcast|

For the week of June 24th, there are some things to clean up in basement before you move forward.   This week we talk about the symbolism of different vehicles approaching you in your dreams.

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