Astrology for the week of December 16th
For the week of December 16th, find the light within. This week we talk about the symbolism of portals and shipwrecks in our dreams.
For the week of December 16th, find the light within. This week we talk about the symbolism of portals and shipwrecks in our dreams.
The Full Moon in Gemini is exact overnight, at 1:02am PST. The Sun in Sagittarius has us in the conscious awareness of higher truth. It is an interesting conundrum when considering truth when you realize there is no such thing. There is my truth. There’s yours. There is an objective truth. The trouble is that ...
For the week of December 9th, what do you have to let go of in order to share your life with others? This week we talk about the symbolism of being mumified and glimpses of our past lives.
For the week of December 2nd, this retrograde wants us to get deeper into our personal truths. This week we talk about the symbolism of snow in our dreams.
The New Moon at 9-degrees Sagittarius builds all day and peaks this evening at 10:20pm PST, a Black Moon as the second New Moon in the month of November. Besides putting a rather intense lunar cycle to bed, it also establishes a direct connection to all things Sag, which means expansion, abundance, travel, education, spiritual ...
For the week of November 25th, set intentions for more joy in your life. This week we talk about the symbolism of having familiar people in our dream living rooms.
For the week of November 18th This week we talk about old selves dying in our dreams.
For once, my hyperbole is something I will not have to check. The Full Moon in Taurus is exact at 1:26pm PST, and this is the most epic Full Moon of the year, and in some ways beyond that. And when I get done talking about what the outer planets are doing in this Full ...
For the week of November 11th, shift your conscious awareness into the direction of hope. This week we talk about dreams signaling change.
For the week of November 4th, focus on the hope that comes from expanding wounds. This week we talk about the symbolism of tunnels under your house.