Astrology for the week of March 24th
For the week of March 24th, we are creating a new way of meeting the world through the transformations that resulted from the three retrogrades. This week we talk about the symbolism of pomegranates.
For the week of March 24th, we are creating a new way of meeting the world through the transformations that resulted from the three retrogrades. This week we talk about the symbolism of pomegranates.
For the week of March 17th, we get a glimpse of what eclipse season will bring. This week we talk about dream experiences and past life connections.
The Full Moon Total Solar Eclipse at 23° Virgo is exact tonight at 11:54pm PST. Sun in Pisces is dreamy, dark, watery, and all that yummy formlessness carries the capacity for our ideas to become reality in the land of form. This is the unconscious, the much greater part of us, where we know unity, ...
For the week of March 10th; ask, are you showing up with the responsibility needed to live your best life? This week we talk about the symbolism of neighbors in our dreams.
For the week of March 3rd, we are at the cross path of three retrogrades, generating some uncomfortable feelings. This week we talk about the symbolism of marriage in our dreams.
The New Moon at 9° Pisces hits at 4:44pm PST, a lovely number that will please many people who enjoy such synchronicities. This is not surprising from a lunation that is all about tapping into our intuitive flow, cultivating a sense of oneness with the universe, and grounding our movement forward in our lives by ...
For the week of February 24th, use this new moon to dive into putting your spiritual connection first. This week we talk about the symbolism of cutting the bottom of your feet off in dreams.
For the week of February 17th, pay attention to matters of the heart the first few days this week. This week we talk about interpreting the decisions we make in our dreams.
At 5:52am PST, the Leo Moon at 24-degrees will Oppose the Sun at the same degree point in Aquarius, and the most dynamic and unstable Full Moon of the year is upon us. Unstable just means sudden change is happening, and Uranus is participating in this Full Moon so directly, this is one lunation in ...
For the week of February 10th, we are aware of how past emotional patterns live in us. This week we talk about symbolisms of familial intimacy and issues show up in our dreams.