April 2024
Astrology for the week of April 29th
For the week of April 29th, we are astrologically back home with the challenges of the eclipse behind us. This week we talk with Lauren Schneider, who integrates family systems, hypnotherapy, dream work, and terapy as a method of spiritual...
Global Healing Meditation – First Thursday of Every Month!
Global Healing Meditation - the first Thursday of every month! On the first Thursday of every month, I host a gathering in my Zoom space to talk about the astrology of the month ahead, followed by a short guided meditation. This is always the first Thursday, and it takes place from 7-8:00pm Pacific ...
Astrology for the week of April 22nd
For the week of April 22nd, we say, I am ready to release everything that inhibits my magnificent unfolding. This week we talk about the symbolism of abandoned cars in our dreams.
Astrology for the week of April 15th
For the week of April 15th, there is potential for great productivity. This week we talk about the symbolism of descending to the ocean floor.
Astrology for the week of April 8th
For the week of April 8th, we begin eclipse season! This week we talk about ingesting pieces of wisdom in our dreams.
New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries April 8, 2024
In the Void of Pisces, there is an energy that stirs. It says out loud, “I’ll go!” and it jumps into the Void, springs up into the world of form, shouting “I Am!” This is Aries, and today at 11:20am PDT, the Aries Moon will Conjunct the Sun in Aries, creating a Total ...