January 2023
Astrology for the week of January 9th
For the week of January 9th we confront shadow material as our goals and ambitions become clearer. This week we talk about moving in our dreams.
Full Moon in Cancer January 6, 2023
The Full Moon in Cancer is exact today at 3:07pm PST. This is going to be a wildly emotional Full Moon, as Cancer is the sign that invented feelings at the personal level. This is the sign ruled by the Moon itself, so we are deeply connected to our internal landscape any time ...
Astrology for the week of January 2nd
For the week of January 2nd we ask, what ways do I habitually perceive my life that needs to be released? Drop a few things so you can climb up the mountain this Capricorn season. This week we talk about bird medicine in our dreams.
December 2022
Astrology for the week of December 26th
For the week of December 26th, we have created hearts that are capable of loving more fully even in hard moments. Finish the year more open, ready to face life in the challenging year to come. This week we talk about being drunk in our dreams.
New Moon in Capricorn December 23, 2022
The New Moon in Capricorn is exact today at 2:16am PST, and we cross the threshold that is the astrological turn of the year. The Sun is at the lowest point on the ecliptic from here in the northern hemisphere (highest in the south). The Solstice actually plays out for three days, and ...
Astrology for the week of December 19th
For the week of December 19th, take time to set intentions for the new year. Though it appears dark outside, we look to the light within us. This week we talk about messages from our inner self coming through in our dreams.