July 2023
Astrology for the week of July 4th
For the week of July 4th, be mindful of the choices you make when presented with a fork in the road. The winds of fate will take you forward. This week we talk about the symbolism of our caretakers in our dreams.
June 2023
Astrology for the week of June 26th
For the week of June 26th pay attention to the things you’re moved to talk about, and look for the happy accidents. This week we talk about the symbology of traveling below the surface.
Astrology for the week of June 19th
For the week of June 19th, pay attention to emotional regulation, relationships, and finances. This week we talk about frog symbology in dreams.
New Moon in Gemini June 17, 2023
As we start this day, both the Moon and the Sun are in the sign of Gemini, and tonight at 9:26pm PDT the two luminaries meet up, and we move through the New Moon in Gemini, and kick off a new lunar cycle. Gemini is where we learned about thoughts and their expression, ...
We will see you next week!
Astrology for the week of June 5th
For the week of June 5th we have open communication and a desire to share ideas. This week we talk about how the beginning of a dream sets the stage.