March 2023
Astrology for the week of March 13th
For the week of March 13th, there might be some lessons when we bump into the shadow of what our love desires. This week we talk about symbols of returning to ourselves.
Astrology for the week of March 6th
For the week of March 6th, let go anything that inhibits your understanding of being a spiritual being. This week we talk about the symbolism of bats, and seeing where our power comes from.
Full Moon in Virgo, March 6, 2023
The Full Moon has arrived and is a true two-day event. It also packs an unprescidented healing punch, and outside of the eclipses later this year, this is the most powerful Full Moon we are going to see in 2023. The lunation is exact tomorrow, but early, in the wee hours of the ...
February 2023
Astrology for the week of February 27th
For the week of February 27th, the big word is vulnerability. This week we talk about the symbolism of the great mother in our dreams.
Astrology for the week of February 20th
For the week of February 20th, love, compassion, and forgiveness lead the way. This week we talk about how our sacred journey can shine through in our dreams.
New Moon in Pisces February 19, 2023
The New Moon in Pisces takes place tonight at 11:05pm PST. The Sun entered this final sign of the zodiac just yesterday, and the Moon will spend most of this day in Aquarius. After a very short Void from 6:00pm to 8:55pm PST, the Moon will drop into Pisces, and two hours later ...