July 2023
Astrology for the week July 31st
For the week of July 31st, have gratitude for how you show up in the world and let go of whatever is keeping you from being in balance with community. This week we talk about the symbolism of soul groups and past lives in our dreams.
Astrology for the week of July 24th
For the week of July 24th, you can’t go wrong if you approach everything with a little bit of curiosity and flexibility. This week we talk about the symbolism of the library in dreams.
Astrology for the week of July 17th
For the week of July 17th, there is powerful new moon movement where we say, I am honoring my selfcare and ready to get moving. This week we talk about the symbolism of newborns in our dreams.
New Moon in Cancer July 17, 2023
The New Moon in Cancer is exact this morning at 11:32am PDT. Cancer is the mansion where we pull back from the demands of the outside world and attend to the needs of our inner life. We move toward rest and restoration in Cancer, as this is the sign of home, family, and ...
Astrology for the week of July 10th
For the week of July 10th, let go of sadness of the past. This week we talk about the symbolism of returning to our child wonder and joy towards the collective.
Full Moon in Capricorn July 3, 2023
At 4:38am PDT this morning, the Capricorn Moon will Oppose the Cancer Sun, and we move through this lunar cycle’s Full Moon. We are in the Cancer mansion, and so our focus is on self-care, restoration, and having a deep understanding of how to get our needs met. We place value on home, ...