New Moon

New Moon in Cancer July 17, 2023

The New Moon in Cancer is exact this morning at 11:32am PDT. Cancer is the mansion where we pull back from the demands of the outside world and attend to the needs of our inner life. We move toward rest and restoration in Cancer, as this is the sign of home, family, and the preparation ...

By |2023-07-16T09:03:16-07:00July 16th, 2023|Categories: New Moon|0 Comments

New Moon in Gemini June 17, 2023

As we start this day, both the Moon and the Sun are in the sign of Gemini, and tonight at 9:26pm PDT the two luminaries meet up, and we move through the New Moon in Gemini, and kick off a new lunar cycle. Gemini is where we learned about thoughts and their expression, and the ...

By |2023-06-16T15:54:28-07:00June 16th, 2023|Categories: New Moon|0 Comments

New Moon in Taurus May 19, 2023

The New Moon in Taurus hits at 8:53am PDT this morning, and we officially put the eclipse wormhole behind us. We are setting intentions in the mansion that invented the Earth herself, and all the joys that come from being in the land of form. Taurus is often thought of as the “money” sign, and ...

By |2023-05-18T11:09:50-07:00May 18th, 2023|Categories: New Moon|0 Comments

New Moon in Pisces February 19, 2023

The New Moon in Pisces takes place tonight at 11:05pm PST. The Sun entered this final sign of the zodiac just yesterday, and the Moon will spend most of this day in Aquarius. After a very short Void from 6:00pm to 8:55pm PST, the Moon will drop into Pisces, and two hours later catch up ...

By |2023-02-18T14:41:39-08:00February 18th, 2023|Categories: New Moon|0 Comments

New Moon in Aquarius January 21, 2023

The New Moon in Aquarius hits today at 12:52pm PST, and in some ways, we truly get to start our new year with this lunation. This is the mansion ruled by Uranus, where absolutely anything can happen, and surprises, pivots, and reversals lead the way. We are at our most innovative and rebellious, ready to ...

By |2023-01-21T05:08:57-08:00January 21st, 2023|Categories: New Moon|0 Comments

New Moon in Capricorn December 23, 2022

The New Moon in Capricorn is exact today at 2:16am PST, and we cross the threshold that is the astrological turn of the year. The Sun is at the lowest point on the ecliptic from here in the northern hemisphere (highest in the south). The Solstice actually plays out for three days, and this is ...

By |2022-12-22T10:14:23-08:00December 22nd, 2022|Categories: New Moon|0 Comments

New Moon in Sagittarius November 23, 2022

The New Moon in Sagittarius hits this afternoon at 2:57pm PST, and we can officially put a most difficult eclipse lunar cycle behind us. Yesterday, both the Sun and the Moon were in Scorpio, a kind of pre-New Moon alignment of conscious awareness (Sun) and unconscious (Moon) impulses both swimming in the deep waters of ...

By |2022-11-22T12:43:43-08:00November 22nd, 2022|Categories: New Moon|0 Comments
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